Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Discipleship Group

What is this concept of discipleship groups?

like most people know, i am the last person to make even a comment on this.I know that we are each called to live lives with each other and that does not only mean, put on a mask and go to your so called friends. No, actually, it is the exact opposite. We are to be vulnerable with each other, we are to be completely transparent with one another. Do not ask me what that means because at the moment the Lord is teaching me a new degree of authenticity.

This is not to have those regular chats with the group of people you are used to, no. It is to have those uncomfortable conversations with the people God has placed in your life. We are to live with each other like Jesus lived with His disciples.

I thank God always for having granted me the opportunity this year to do life with the 3 girls I am leading. I will not lie and say that I have been a good leader because in my opinion, I am still to meet such a person. I believe Jesus is the only One who led perfectly.

I am learning to be a leader and a friend to these woman who are trying to follow me as I follow Jesus. So far I can say with great confidence that the Lord has been working in each of theirs lives and He has been working in all of us together as sisters who are trying to love and live for Him on a daily basis.

I thank God that even when I am panicking and it feels like nothing is going right. He remains God and faithful in it all.

My prayer for us as sisters is that He would: Teach us your ways, oh Lord and we will walk in your Truth. Give us undivided hearts that we may fear your name.

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